Ashley's Bedroom Decor
I recently had to answer some questions for an interview about my bedroom, who would’ve thought, right? I was asked, “if you had to pick a style to give your room, what would it be” and I struggled with this question for a minute because I honestly can’t pinpoint one style for our room! Sure, it definitely has farmhouse elements like a wrought iron bed frame, shiplap, a church pew and some flea market finds. That all screams farmhouse! But then we threw in a red oriental rug… not your usual farmhouse decor! I love the color it adds to our room and it’s traditional warmth. Our drapery and reading chairs are also on the more traditional side but in the space, they probably lean towards farmhouse. Little modern touches like our nightstand (Walmart dressers, I know, I’m shocked too) knobs and lamps throw another element into the mix. After some thought, I decided the style of our bedroom is US. It’s my husband and I’s style, it’s what we like, what we find cozy, comfortable and relaxing. It’s a collection of pieces that makes us feel at home and creates a room we want to retreat to at the end of the day and wake up in the next.
One message that we want to hit home to clients and followers is that you don’t have to pigeon-hole your home into one style. If you like a variety of styles, you can make them all work in your space with some balance! If you can’t stand a certain style that’s trending, don’t try to bring it into your home! We’ll ask a client, “tell us why you like that style, what about it speaks to you” and often times we hear “well it seems to be popular and everyone really likes that look right now.” Don’t get us wrong, that’s a good thing to think about if you’re updating your home to sell. But if you’re building or remodeling and plan to be in your home a long time, do not do something because it’s popular and you feel like you have to. Your home should be a reflection of YOU! You can sprinkle in a little farmhouse, a little modern, a little traditional, a little mid-century, a little rustic… whatever speaks to you. Tired of seeing gray and white kitchens? Let’s do a pop of color. Found a funky light fixture that you love for your bedroom but worried it won’t go? Add it if it brings you joy!
Your home or space should 100% be a collection of pieces that embody you and your family. The people on Instagram don’t live there, you do. Don’t be afraid to mix things up to create a room you love.
This rug is one of our FAVORITES! We recently used it in a client’s home and it quickly became a team favorite. You can purchase this rug directly through us at Moore House Interiors, just shoot us an email at to let us know you’re interested! It’s made of 100% Polypropolene, one of the most durable and long-lasting rug materials on the market. It’s incredibly easy to clean and kid/pet/mess friendly. We highly recommend this rug material for any home with children!

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