5 Day Room Refresh
Hey friends!
If you follow us on Instagram, you’ve seen our 5-Day Room Refresh happening on Instagram stories! Ashley’s been walking you through various steps to easily give any room a ‘refresh’ and has shown you how to do it by using her own living room as an example.
Missed out on the social media action? No worries! We’ve summarized the steps below to help you with your own room makeover. We broke the steps down day-by-day but you can knock all this out in one go if you’re feeling inspired and ready to tackle the room in front of you!
Day One: Pick Your Room & Clean It Out
Let’s get the hard part out of the way—cleaning! Choose the room you want to refresh and give it a solid clean. Take down all your decor on surfaces, empty cabinets, pull things out of drawers and lay it all out on the floor where it’s easily visible. Then get your favorite cleaning products and give all your surfaces a good wipe down! You’d be surprised at how much dirt, dust, fingerprints and germs accumulate. Let’s take a living room for example. Pull everything off your built-in shelves, take out everything you have stored in cabinets and drawers, clear off your coffee table, take down mantle decor and wipe everything off with a good cleaner.
Day Two: Keep/Trash/Donate & Inventory
Time to go through all the ‘stuff’ you have laid out from your room clean out. Make 3 piles: keep, trash and donate. Go through every single item, from art to power cords to random kid’s toys and add to the appropriate pile. Now is not the time to be a hoarder or keep junk you ‘MIGHT’ use for that one occasion that could maybe happen one time a year. If you haven’t used it recently, if it doesn’t make you happy or if it’s just going to end up cluttering a cabinet, put it in the trash or donate pile, depending on the item. One man’s trash, another man’s treasure! You might find some great things to donate that are in perfect condition and not trash by any means, but just not a fit for your home anymore! Be sure to make a trip to donate the good stuff.
Day Three: Put Away Unused Items & Shop Your Home
The basic items you’re not going to have on display can go back in the cabinets, preferably organized and maybe you’ve even been inspired to get a nice organization system put in place. Baskets are a great solution! Toys, games, books, cords, workout equipment, etc. can all be neatly put away. One of our favorite things to do when it comes to styling our own homes is to shop our home! This is FREE y’all and anyone can do it. You simply walk around your house and pull decor, even furniture, from other rooms and bring them into a different space. Maybe you have some greenery and frames in your bedroom that could be used in your living room. Or an accent chair in an office that can be moved to a sitting area! Mix it up, randomly pull pieces and play with them! You can always put them back in their original place.
Day Four: Styling & Wish List
Time to style all those items you have laid out! Have fun, be creative, enjoy the decorating and don’t get frustrated by it. Put on some of your favorite tunes, pour a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and just get inspired! If you get stuck styling an area, like bookshelves, walk away and come back with fresh eyes. Once you’ve styled to your hearts content and things feel good, sit down and make a wish list of new items you want for your space. It’s easier to do this after you’ve really given the room a refresh, rather than starting from nothing. You’ll have a feel for what you actually need and want. Your wish list might include items like a new rug, new throw pillows, a large piece of art or some greenery. Make a list and keep it on hand!
Day Five: Budget & Shop
So you’ve finalized your wish list, hooray! Now it’s time to shop. Whether you want to shop in store or online, have at it! If you’re not sure you want to spend the money on new furniture right now, look around and get a feel for what the items you want cost. Write them down on your list and get an estimated budget together for your space. Put your wish list someplace you won’t forget about it and save accordingly. Over time, you’ll have enough saved away to make your wish list a reality! You can always purchase in phases too. Perhaps a rug is your big priority; start with that then save for the next item. Rooms don’t have to be finished and perfect over night.
We hope you’ve enjoyed following along as we’ve shown you how to refresh your space! Be sure to show us your room makeovers by tagging us with #moorehouseroomrefresh on social media.
Ashley followed all the room refresh steps herself for her own living room and put together a wish list of items she’d like! Check them out below and click on the images to shop.

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